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Clearpest Pte Ltd
- Pest Control Services, Janitorial Services
Clearpest Pte Ltd
Address: Block 1014 Geylang East Avenue 3 #06-238
Singapore 389729
Tel: (65) 6842-3885 (65) 6748-8984
Fax: (65) 6747-2270 (65) 6748-8984
Website: Categories: Pest Control Services, Janitorial
Services Company Profile:
Pest offers customers the complete pest control
service. With over 20 years combined experience in
the pest control industry and the ability to service
contracts throughout Singapore, you need look no
further for all your pest control needs.
At Clear Pest, we pride ourselves in providing a
professional, friendly & efficient service offering
advice on prevention & control of insects and animal
We offer a comprehensive range of pest prevention/
control services to domestic & commercial premises
at competitive rates and can design contracts to
suit individual requirements.
What we offer to you:
• Highly trained pest control professionals
• On-site Entomologist
• Customized treatments and prevention
• 100% satisfaction guaranteed!
Clear Pest was formed to provide high quality,
professional, preventive & reactive pest control
services. We specialize in the control of the
About Rats / Rodents
Their bodies covered with hair, give birth to living
young, young nourished on milk secreted by mammary
glands, besides molar with only an upper and lower
pair of enlarged chisellike incisor teeth, lack
canine teeth. Rats with front feet 4-toed and hind
feet 5-toed, elongate in form, built close to the
ground with short legs and a long, skinny, almost
naked tail slightly shorter or longer than length of
head plus body.
Majority of rodents are nocturnal. Most rodents are
ferocious, omnivorous and adaptable to all climates.
Most rodents are relatively small and very active
which requires much food to supply the needed
energy. They have the highest mammalian reproductive
capacity that may help them compensate for high
predation losses. Some rodents, such as house mouse,
Norway rat and roof rat are serious pests because
they eat or contaminate stored foods, damage or
destroy vast amounts of materials and transmit
About Cockroach
Sizes vary depending on species. Their bodies are
flattened dorsal-ventrally. They have three body
parts (head, thorax and abdomen), two pairs of
wings. The front pairs are leathery, while hind
wings are delicate. Their abdomen with one pair of
circus; the male has a pair of stylus while female
has ovipositor. The common species are American
cockroach and German cockroach.
Cockroaches feed on almost any organic matter, but
prefer starchy and sugary food. Their foraging
activity increases when deprived of food and water.
They like to hide in cracks and crevices and prefer
to move along the side of the wall.
About Ants
They are social insects that live in colonies which
are usually located in the ground, but may enter
buildings for shelter or food. Their three body
regions (head, thorax and abdomen) defined by
distinct constrictions. Antennae elbowed (workers
and queens; males sometimes straight) with last 1-4
segments usually enlarged, forming a club. Abdomen
connected to thorax by 1 or 2 slender abdominal
segments called nodes which form the ant’s waist;
enlarged rear portion of abdomen is the gaster.
Ants will exploit situations that have sufficient
moisture, provide shelter and have a nearby source
of food. Ants feed on practically every kind of
food, but those entering homes are looking for
sweets or protein-containing substances.
About Subterranean Termite (White Ants)
Termites are small soft bodies insets, commonly
referred to as “white ants”. They are social insects
and live in colonies which are usually located in
the ground or in wood. Termites are usually divided
into 3 groups based on the location of their colony:
subterranean termite (depends on the soil and
normally forages underneath the mud tubes), drywood
termite (found in drywood and less depend on the
moisture from soil) and dampwood termites (feed on
decayed wood). Among those 3 groups, the
subterranean termite would be the most dominant and
important structural termite pest. The common
species that are found are Coptotermes spp.,
Globitermes spp., Macrotermes spp., Microcerotermes
spp., Nasutitermes spp., Odontotermes spp.,
Pericapritermes spp., and Schedorhinotermes spp.
Most termites feed on cellulose from wood and wood
by-products such as paper. They play a role in
natural decomposition, particularly in forest,
however, also turn out to be the structural insect
pests infesting buildings and cost an enormous
economic loss to our society. The top 6 common
locations of subterranean termite infestation within
buildings and structures are door/windows frame,
parquet floor, roof/ceiling, bathroom area,
baseboard/skirting area and built-in wall cabinet.
About Mosquitoes
Adult mosquitoes about 3-9mm long; the body and legs
usually covered with scales. Colour usually gray to
dark, some marked with white, silver, green or
iridescent blue scales. They have head with
proboscis or beak long and the antennae are
15-segmented; plumose (feathery) in male and hairy
in female.
Mosquitoes have adapted to almost every kind of
aquatic situation such as permanent ponds, temporary
flood waters, stagnant water on drainage and water
contained in tree holes, leaves of plants or
artificial containers. Adult males feed on nectar.
Although adult female also feeds on nectar, females
of most species require a blood meal before they can
lay fertile eggs.
About Snake
Snakes are limbless reptiles. Some are poisonous but
most of the species are non-venomous. They use venom
to kill and subdue prey rather than self-defense.
Snakes are found worldwide on every continent except
Antarctica. They are known to be carnivorous.
About Fleas / Cat Fleas
Fleas are small, black to brownish-black insects and
wingless. Adult fleas are 1 to 4 mm long, depending
on the species, and are laterally compressed. They
undergo complete metamorphosis. They have stout,
spiny legs, adapted for leaping, and short,
3-jointed, clubbed antennae that fit into
depressions along the sides of the head. Fleas’ hind
legs are adapted for jumping and their mouthparts
are adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood.
Adult flea feed solely on fresh blood. The larvae’s
diet can be various organic matter, preferable the
feaces of mature fleas. Pupal phase is a non feeding
stage. Some species require dried blood for food,
but others do not. Some can feed on organic debris
and even their own cast skins. They require high
humidity. Primary hosts are usually cats and dogs.
Fleas like to hide in dark places like cracks and
crevices and bedding, they can also found at around
your houses in bedding or surrounding when their
primary host was not available.
About Bees / Hornets / Wasps
They have body with base of abdomen constricted,
sometimes stalked. Their wings are 4 in number, with
front wings a little longer than hind wings.
Antennae moderately long, females 12 segmented and
males 13 segmented. Mouthparts are chewing but
sometimes with a modified tonguelike sucking
structure. Females with a well-developed ovipositor
modified into a sting (commonly called a stinger).
Bees, hornets and wasps are categorized as being
either solitary (live independently) or social (live
in colonies or nest) depends on species. Adults feed
on nectar, honeydew, sap, fruit juices, etc. Protein
for larvae comes from pollen for the bees but for
the wasps and hornets, it consists of insects or
spiders if the adults are predators.
About Dog Ticks
The common dog tick can range in size from very
small, but clearly visible, to quite large. Then
when they're engorged, they blow up like a big
greyish/ greenish blob. They can’t jump or fly.
Ticks are blood sucking ectoparasites. They may hide
at long grass or cracks on the ground where they
wait to attach to a passing host. They can feed on a
range of host not necessary dogs such as horses,
cattle, human and other mammals. Tick can be found
in most wooded or forested regions throughout the
world. They are common in areas where there are
human tracks. They may also abundant near water and
in meadows where shrubs and bushes provide covers
for them.
About Booklice
The adults about 1-6mm long, soft bodied and look
like tiny termite workers. Booklice may be winged or
wingless. Most of the species found in buildings are
wingless. If winged, they are weak fliers and hold
the wings in a roof-like position over the body when
at rest. The head and abdomen appear large. The head
is bulging and the antennae are long, threadlike and
They feed mainly on algae, mold and other fungi.
They can also be found infesting stored foods such
as cereals, flour, grain in the kitchen and other
damp items including construction material. Booklice
prefer warm, damp and undisturbed areas.
About Flies/ Houseflies
Adults usually with 1 pair membranous (like
cellophane) wings borne by mesothorax, hind wings
reduced to small knobbed structures (halters). Their
antennae is usually short, inconspicuous and
3-segmented; the 3rd segment often with an arista
(large bristle on dorsal side). Large compound eyes
and have sponging or lapping mouthparts.
Flies feed on variety of food materials but most of
those of structural importance develop in either
fermenting or decaying organic matter.
About Bed Bugs
The adults are about 4-5mm long; broadly oval and
flat. They have a pair of slender antennae, a pair
of prominent lateral compound eyes, a needle-like
sucking mouthpart and 3 pairs of slender but
well-developed legs. They will become fully engorged
after feeding with blood.
Bed bugs are nocturnal blood-sucking ectoparasites.
They only approach a host when they intend to feed,
but most of their time hiding or resting in their
harborage sites which are close to host resting
places. They harbor in cracks and crevices during
day and come out to feed at night. Bed bugs usually
come from travelling, secondary furniture trading
and public accommodation.
Clear Pest also provides professional advice and
useful remedial for pest problems. We are ready to
clear your doubts regarding irritating pest problems
in the aspects of prevention, control, treatment and
reinfestation. Pest control appointment can be made
by phone call or via online service with a single
click at your fingertip.
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